Chromodoris luteopunctata? from NE Spain
October 11, 2007
From: Jordi Regàs

Dear Dr.Rudman,
Here are three pictures of what I think could be a Chromodoris luteopunctata. According to other messages on the Forum, in this case the white spots on the rhinophores could confirm the species (indeed there's some discussion about this detail, as reported also in the Forum).
Locality: Canons de Tamariu, Tamariu, 33 meters, Girona, Spain, Mediterranean Sea, 21 July 2007. Length: 15-20 mm. Photographer: Jordi Regàs.
My main reason for sending the photos was to increase the collection of photos of animals looking like Chromodoris luteopunctata and/or C. luteorosea.
Best regards,
Jordi Regàs
Regàs, J., 2007 (Oct 11) Chromodoris luteopunctata? from NE Spain. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jordi,
Thanks for the extra photos, it is certainly the best way to sort out the limits to colour variation in this group. I suspect however that these, like those in your other message [#20909 ],are C. luteorosea rather then C. luteopunctata. Although there are some white spots on the gills I can't see any sign of them on the rhinophores. It will be interesting to hear the views of local experts. One colour chracter which seems to distinguish this species from C. luteopunctata is that there is a white line or zone between the outer yellow mantle margin and the blue and purple of the rest of the mantle. This does not occur in C. luteopunctata. Instead there is a thin, dark reddish band.
As far as I can see C. luteopunctata is an Atlantic species which has only been recorded extending into the Mediterranean as far as the Straits of Gibraltar. If that is its real limit, then your animals from near the border of mediterranean France and Spain are more likely to be C. luteorosea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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