Hallaxa chani from British Columbia
November 12, 2007
From: Paul Sim

Hello Bill.
Any thoughts on this little one's lineage?
Locality: Grouse Island, Johnstone Strait, 40 feet, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Ocean, 08 October 2007, wall. Length: 1/2". Photographer: Paul Sim.
Thank you
Paul Sim
Sim, P.D., 2007 (Nov 12) Hallaxa chani from British Columbia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21107
Dear Paul,
I would normally send this to Dave Behrens but the way the circle of gills is arranged in a goblet shape is characteristic of the genus Hallaxa, and the greyish tips to the rhinophores, and the greyish patches on the mantle, identify this asHallaxa chani . It ranges in colour from a translucent white, which is the colour of all the other photos of it on the Forum, to this translucent yellow colour, which makes it a valuable addition to the Forum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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