Phyllodesmium briareum? from Vietnam
March 6, 2008
From: Hua Thai Tuyen

I need someone to help identify this one? Is it Phyllodesmium briareum?
Locality: Cu Lao Cham Island, 5 m, Vietnam, April 2004, coral reef. Length: 60 mm
Hua Thai Tuyen
Hua Thai Tuyen, 2008 (Mar 6) Phyllodesmium briareum? from Vietnam. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Tuyen,
Although I can't see any detail - in particular whether the brown spots of the zooxanthellae clusters form longitudinal lines on the cerata [see P. briareum Fact Sheet] I think we can be fairly confident from the general shape and colour that this is P. briareum.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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