Miamira magnifica? from South Africa
March 27, 2000
From: Valda Fraser

Dear Bill
Unfortunately a poor photo! It seems that the family Miamiridae is problematic. Is this specimen Miamira magnifica?
Do shrimps commonly live on this species?
Thanks for the help.
Locality: South coast KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA. near Port Shepstone - 18m
Date: April 1999
Size: 50mm
Valda Fraser
Note added 30 April 2007: Until now on the Forum C. sinuata and C. flavicostata have been considered forms of one species. See message #19854 where they and C. magnifica are considered separate species.
Dear Valda,
I'm not quite sure where we draw the line with this 'species'. At present I am putting all the colours together asCeratosoma sinuata. I have included close-ups of the head and gill regions to show the colour better. I assume the object I have arrowed is the shrimp you ask about. I assume it is Periclimenes imperator which although notmally associated with Hexabranchus sanguineus, seems to live in association with lots of larger opisthobranchs
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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