Doto ussi? from East Timor
August 26, 2008
From: Brian Francisco

Hi Bill.
We're not really sure what this is, but suspect it (or they) may belong to the Dotidae family. Sorry for the poor photo; we were in a bit of a current but my wife (the greatest spotter in the universe) insisted that I take a few shots.
Locality: Bubble Beach, 6 meters, East Timor, Banda Sea, 23 March 2008, coral reef. Length: 1 cm. Photographer: Brian Francisco.
Hope you can help.
Brian Francisco
UnderWater East Timor
Francisco, B., 2008 (Aug 26) Doto ussi? from East Timor. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Brian,
You can certainly congratulate your wife for 'good spotting'. Yes this is a species of Doto, most probably the one I am identifying as Doto ussi. Interestingly it has been reported to live on the stinging hydroid Aglaophenia cupressina, which has a very thick central trunk. It is possible the cylindrical object your animal(s) are sitting on is such a thick trunk. It's not possible to be sure if there is more than one animal present.
I wondered if this photo was of the same animal as in your earlier message [#21679] as it was also found on a thick-stalked hydroid. I somehow doubt it but it may be worth keeping in mind if you come across similar animals again.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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