Re: Grey colour form of Acanthodoris nanaimoensis
July 31, 2008
From: Susan E. Glarum

Concerning message #15213:
The gray form of Acanthodoris nanaimoensis is fairly common along the northern Oregon coast, USA. My most recent find was of four individuals in the rocky intertidal at Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA on 20 April 2008. I do have digital pictures, but am not sure how to send them. I will attempt to upload a photo I took last summer (2007) at Ecola Point, Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA. I apologize for the quality of the photo; my camera is a relatively simple one. Also, I am neither a professional photographer nor a scientist, just an enthusiastic amateur.
Locality: Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Exposed at low tide, rocky intertidal, Oregon, USA, Pacific Ocean, 20 April 2008, Intertidal. Length: approximately 1 1/4 inches. Photographer: Susan E Glarum.
Susan E. Glarum
Glarum, S. E., 2008 (Jul 31) Re: Grey colour form of Acanthodoris nanaimoensis. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Susan,
It is hard to tell if this is A. nanaimoensis or A. hudsoni, as I don't see any maroon pigment on the gill or rhinophores. In any event, both species can be grey in ground color.
Best wishes,
Dave Behrens
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