Philinopsis pilsbryi found Vanuatu
June 4, 2008
From: Leanne & David Atkinson

Hi Bill,
You don't have a record of Philinopsis pilsbryi from Vanuatu. We thought you might like this one to extend the range and also because of the behaviour. We saw this animal travelling along the sandy covered rocky bottom and it reached the edge of the rock/coral it was on. When the body was half way in midspace it flipped itself over to show the foot in photo 3 and then curled back up to solid ground. Consequently we got a nice shot of the foot without having to disturb the animal.
Locality: Ghost Train, Mele Reef, Hideaway Island, 8 metres, Vanuatu, Pacific, 14 April 2008, Coral Reef with gutters running through the reef with sandy silty bottom. Length: approximately 50 mm. Photographer: Leanne & David Atkinson.
Hope this is of interest.
Leanne & David Atkinson
Atkinson, L. & D., 2008 (Jun 4) Philinopsis pilsbryi found Vanuatu. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Leanne & David,
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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