More Hypselodoris krakatoa from Thailand.
August 19, 2008
From: Vie Panyarachun

Concerning message #8752:
Some Hypselodoris krakatoa from the northern part of the Gulf of Thailand.
Locality: Off Haad Chao Lao, Chantaburi, 3 msw, Thailand, Gulf of Thailand, 26 January 2008. Length: approx. 30 mm. Photographer: Vie Panyarachun.
Panyarachun, V., 2008 (Aug 19) More Hypselodoris krakatoa from Thailand.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Vie,
Thanks for this record. It looks like these animals are probably feeding, but I can't see any identifiable sponge from your photo. I suspect the bluish patches in the close-up photo are sponge. If by chance you have another photo which shows the area around their heads more clearly, it could be very interesting, as we don't know what sponge this species eats.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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