Re: Cyerce cf. pavonina from sthn Queensland
September 17, 2008
From: Julie Marshall

Concerning message #21095:
Dear Bill,
Attached is the species I have been calling Cyerce cf. pavonina. It was found at Heron Island [Great Barrier Reef] at the reef crest under a dead coral slab at low tide. It was 35 mm in size. The colour and shape of the cerata seem similar to the original description of this species.
Locality: Heron Island, Intertidal, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, December 1995, Intertidal. Length: 35 mm. Photographer: Julie Marshall.
Best wishes,
Julie mMarshall
Marshall, J.G., 2008 (Sep 17) Re: Cyerce cf. pavonina from sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Julie,
This certainly looks close to 'typical' Cyerce pavonina, especially in the presence of the two 'black holes' near the tip of the inner face of each ceras. I can't see any sign of this ceratal colouration in the animals on the Forum I have labelled Cyerce sp. 4. so there is no way from photos to link them to C. pavonina. Your photo however shows signs of smaller 'holes' scattered over the inner face of the cerata. They are not surrounded by white granules but they seem to have a white central spot - which I assume is the white tip to the transparent papillae.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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