Re: Chromodoris annulata from Gulf of Oman
September 22, 2008
From: William Messruther

Concerning message #21891:
Here are some additional shots of Chromodoris annulata which may help with the feeding matter (now I know what is the “head end” I will make sure I get it right next time – these were my first shots of nudis so please excuse my ignorance – can do better.
By the way Bill what is the blob at the rear of the animal? Shudder to ask but just wondered.
Messruther, W.R., 2008 (Sep 22) Re: Chromodoris annulata from Gulf of Oman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Will,
Thanks for the extra photos. It's a bit hard photographing something which is almost black right alongside something that is white and still retaining any detailed structure. However this photo certainly shows the same blackish sponge we saw in your earlier photo, and the slug certainly seems to be taking an interest in it. Although not 100% proof that it is eating this sponge, as I said in the earlier message, observations such as this help build up a picture for us, suggesting this is its food sponge.
Concerning the white blob at the rear of the animal. It is the posterior tip of the foot. If you imagine a garden snail, this 'blob' is equivalent to the bit of the foot behind the snail's shell. If you have a look at the species Fact Sheet you will see some other photos where this is a little clearer. Also have a look for other photos in the other messages on this species which are attached at the bottom of the Fact Sheet.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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