Phyllidia exquisita? Hawaii
October 2, 2008
From: Jerry Kane
Concerning message #21800:
I saw the recent discussion on Phyllidia sp. from North Sulawesi and wanted to share a photo of a slug I saw recently in Hawaii. Although not identical to Marli's slug, it seems similar to my uneducated eye. Any comments on this one would be appreciated.
Locality: Kona, 80 ft, Hawaii, US, Central Pacific, 21 September 2008, cave wall. Length: 1 inch. Photographer: Jerry Kane.
Kane, J., 2008 (Oct 2) Phyllidia exquisita? Hawaii. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Jerry,
Thanks for this photo. I agree with your thoughts that this is closest to Phyllidia exquisita. It doesn't have any yellow or ornage around the mantle border, but that seems to be optional. It also has similarities to P. willani. As I have discussed quite often on the Forum, I suspect a number of these species are just white forms of the very variable P. ocellata . Thanks for your photo. I can't give a definite answer, but your photo might turn out to be the piece that solves the P. exquisita-P. ocellata puzzle.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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