Re: Phyllodesmium sp. 5 from Indonesia
October 17, 2008
From: Marcel Tanke

Concerning message #13122:
Dear Bill,
Is this indeed Phyllodesmium sp. 5?
Locality: Bali, Tulamben, 15 m, Indonesia, 3 October 2008, black sand. Length: 1 cm. Photographer: Marcel Tanke.
It is striking that it is feeding on the same red gorgonian coral as in the message I am replying to (Mike Oelrich 2005).
However, in the book “Nudibranchs of the world ” Debelius and Kuiter 2007, p.335, it is called P. sp. 7, also feeding on the same red gorgonian.
Best regards,
Tanke, M.A., 2008 (Oct 17) Re: Phyllodesmium sp. 5 from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Marcel,
There is also another photo [message #7525] of it on a similarly coloured gorgonian. Your animal has none of the colour markings normally associated with this species but the twisted shape of the ceratal digestive gland and the red gorgonian host suggest a connection.
Concerning calling it 'Phyllodesmium sp 5' - that is not an official name, it's just the 5th unnamed Phyllodesmium on the Sea Slug Forum. In other websites and books it could be any number, so if you refer to it as 'Phyllodesmium sp 5' be sure to include a reference to the Sea Slug Forum otherwise no-one will know what you are talking about.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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