Mating Pleurobranchaea meckelii from Turkey
October 28, 2008
From: Tunca Rodoplu

We have spotted these slugs mating in Marmara Sea. I think they are Pleurobranchaea meckelii.
Locality: Neandros Island, 26, Turkey, Marmara Sea, 13 September 2008, Muddy. Length: 10-12 cm. Photographer: Utku Inan.
Tunca Rodoplu

Dear Tunca,
At present it seems best to identify all Mediterranean Pleurobranchaea as P. meckelii. These photos show some of the anatomy of these animals very well. On the right side of the body, hidden below a small flap of skin, which is all that is left of the wide mantle skirt found in most pleurobranchs, are the the reproductive openings, the anus and the gill.
We can see part of the brush-like gill on the left of the photos, while in the centre we can see the penis of each animal, inserted into the female reproductive opening of the partner. In the lower photo I have ringed the anal papillae which lies just above, and in front, of the base of the gill.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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