Chromodoris annae feeding, white sponge - Philippines
January 19, 2009
From: Marcel Tanke

Concerning message #14928:
Dear Bill,
Five Chromodoris annae on- and around a white sponge. Although, also the red sponge in the background seems to have their interest.
Locality: Anilao, 15 meter, Philippines, 30 December 2008. Length: max 5 cm. Photographer: Marcel Tanke.
Best regards,

Dear Marcel,
This is a nice find. There are not many white sponges and this reminds me of a species of thorectid sponge that Glossodoris sp. 14 has been found on [message #9600]. If so, it will be a further confirmation that C. annae, like other similarly coloured species of Chromodoris, feeds on thorectid sponges. I will need to get the sponge identified.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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