Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW

April 7, 2000
From: Erik Schloegl

Dear Bill,

To reply to your query, yes, the Noumea sp. 3 that I photographed at Curphy Reef was found on the sponge in the photo - I didn't move it.

By the way, I checked my photo collection and found that I have photographed the same species at a divesite called "The Arch" at Bateman's Bay in southern New South Wales on October 4, 1999. The depth was 18m, on rocky reef. Again, the animal was about 1cm long, though this time it did not appear to be feeding (sorry, I haven't scanned the photo).

Best regards,

Schloegl, E., 2000 (Apr 7) Re: Unknown nudibranch from northern NSW. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Erik,
Definitely another one I would like to see some specimens of.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.


Noumea sp. 3.

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