Re: Cadlinella ornatissima - egg ribbon
August 17, 2009
From: Brian Mayes

Concerning message #3439:
Dear Bill,
Here's a photo of Cadlinella ornatissima in the centre of an egg mat and presumably laying eggs. To me it looks like the spiral is started on the outside and worked to the centre.
Locality: Dive site "Koala", 17 metres, Anilao, Philippines, Philippine Sea, 3 February 2009, Reef. Length: 30 mm. Photographer: Brian Mayes.
Best Regards
Brian Mayes

Dear Brian,
Thanks for these interesting photos. This one of the species which lays a flat egg ribbon, but looking at your photos it seems to have a 'fibrous' skeleton holding it all together. If anyone has any photos which could shed light on this they would be very welcome.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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