Pleurobranchaea from Canary Ids
April 11, 2000
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
this photo is from Gran Canaria Island, Spain, made by Arthur J. Telle,
Size about 7 cm, depth 12 m, June 1999, divesite Sardina del Norte.
Is it Petalifera petalifera (Rang, 1828) [Aplysia]?
Koehler, E., 2000 (Apr 11) Pleurobranchaea from Canary Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
This is a species of Pleurobranchaea. There are a number of species apparently occurring in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic which all look very similar externally. Following Marcus & Gosliner's (1984) review it would need a look at its anatomy to identify it to a species.
Besr wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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