Re: Elysia hirasei? from India
November 3, 2009
From: Vishal Bhave

Dear Bill
Today I got a swarm of Sacoglossans on a bed of green algae Chaetomorpha cf. media about 60 animals in and area of about 30 cm x10 cm X 15 cm (shape is cliff like).
Locality: Mirya, Maharashtra, India (towards open sea, surf beaten Area) on a bed of Chaetomorpha Size of animal ranges from 06 mm to 18 mm. October 2009
Head has characteristic 3 black lines between rhinophores and eye spot and anterior end of mantle flaps. Also between those three lines there is bright orange spot
Vishal Bhave.

Dear Vishal Bhave,
The only species of Elysia I know with similar black lines is Elysia hirasei which was originally described from Japan but we have records on the Forum from Hong Kong and Thailand. The bright orange spot in your Indian animals has not been reported before, but perhaps it is a geographical variation? It woud be intersting to have Kathe Jensens' opinion
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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