Seahare from Lembeh, Indonesia
November 9, 2009
From: Zeineb Alhaidari

Dear Bill ,
I have not been able to put a name on this beautiful little seahare , observed on the dive site Nudi retreat at about 12 metres depth in Lembeh. Could you help?
Locality: Dive site : Nudi retreat , Lembeh strait, 12 metres, North Sulawesi , Indonesia, Molucca sea, 05 October 2009, Sand and sediment. Length: 8 cm. Photographer: Zeineb Alhaidari
Many thanks in advance, sincerely,
Alhaidari , Z., 2009 (Nov 9) Seahare from Lembeh, Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Zeineb,
This is Syphonota geographica. This sea hare is found throughout the tropical Indo-West Pacific but records on the Forum from both the Mediterranean and the Caribbean show it is also found in the Atlantic. Whether it has recently moved to there through shipping or other human activity, or whether it has a 'natural' circum-tropical distribution still needs to be investigated.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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