Chromodoris annae found sthn Queensland
December 21, 2009
From: Gary Cobb

Concerning message #22807:
Hi Bill and everyone!
Finding a beautiful species is always a treat for us at A tropical species we don't see often but have seen about a dozen times is Chromodoris annae. The first time we found it was at Old Woman Island in February 2004. According to Richard Willan it was a new record for southern Queensland.
Last weekend we dived Shellacey Reef off Mooloolaba Queensland and found 2 animals posed ready for a photo session. We collected the animals to see if it would lay eggs and it did! Photo attached. The egg mass is 28 mm in diameter and only 1.5 mm thick.
Locality: Inner Gneerings, Mooloolaba , 15 m, Queensland Australia, Pacific Ocean, 13 December 2009, Subtidal. Length: 55-90 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
It is always good to get photos of egg masses, I hope these photos are valuable for the Forum.

Dear Gary,
Thanks for the great photo of the egg ribbon. Chromodoris annae is one of the the similarly coloured 'C. quadricolor colour-group' of species which have this very characteristic 'flat' egg ribbon [See flat-egg Fact Sheet]. We haven't got a photo of this species' egg ribbon so it is a nice addition to the Forum
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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