Re: Siphopteron sp. from the Andaman Sea
May 14, 2010
From: Lawrence Neal

Concerning message #23017:
Dear Bill,
Here are some photos of Siphopteron sp. from the Andaman Sea, northeast Indian Ocean - perhaps variants of S. quadrispinosum? All were found on rocks in around 6 metres of water, close to the shore and all were about the same size, 3 or 4 mm. As you can see there are some similarities and some differences between individuals. The single specimen has lines on the sides of the parapodia. The trailing pair have no lateral lines, but they have a yellow mark close to the eyes, below the siphon.
Do you think the two variants are the same species?
One other observation was the way they crawl. The single individual moved in a 'jerky' fashion (something like Aeolidiella alba), while the trailing pair moved smoothly. Not sure if this is significant or not.
This site on the west coast of Thailand has turned up a few other small bubble shell species, including Siphopteron brunneomarginatum, S. tigrinum, Sagaminopteron ornatum and Colpodaspis thompsoni. Hope to find more in 2010.
Locality: Tablamu, 6 metres, Phangnga, Thailand, Andaman Sea, east Indian Ocean, 25 December 2009, Rocky shoreline. Length: Approx. 4 mm. Photographer: Lawrence Neal.
All the best,
Neal, L., 2010 (May 14) Re: Siphopteron sp. from the Andaman Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Lawrence,
These animals certainly all seem to be colour variants of a single species, and the most likely choice is Siphopteron quadrispinosum. As this 'species' illustrates, we still have much to learn about colour variation in gastropterids so photos like this are very valuable. if you have photos of the other species of gastropterids you saw they would also be useful additions to the Forum
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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