Dermatobranchus? on Sea Pens from Port Stephens, N.S.W [1].
March 17, 2010
From: Leanne and David Atkinson

Concerning message #23329:
Hi Bill,
We also find a pink Sea Pen here at Port Stephens. We have sent a photo of the back and of the front. It is the type favoured by Armina sp. 10. Both of these show the Sea Pen only partly extended and with the polyps closed. It was early morning just after sunrise so perhaps they were withdrawing for the day. We have also sent a photo of what we have been calling Dermatobranchus feeding on it the picture shows some of the polyps out and some closed. This Dermatobranchus feeds on this pink Sea Pen the pink Soft Coral and white Sea Pen. We will send messages to support these observations [messages #23352, #23353]. We have been identifying it as the same Dermatobranchus.
Locality: The Pipeline, Nelson Bay, Port Stephens, 8 metres, New South Wales, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 13 March 2010; 05 September 2009, Sandy silty bottom with sea pens, sponges, ascidians, gorgonias, soft corals, hydroids and seaweed. Length: Pink Sea Pen approximately 100 mm, Dermatobranchus approximately 20 mm. Photographer: Leanne and David Atkinson.
What do you think?
Thanks for you help.
Leanne & David Atkinson

Dear Leanne and David,
Thanks for these observations. This is the animal I identified for you many years ago as Dermatobranchus sp. 1 and as the photos in this and your other two messages confirm, it is indeed a species of that genus. It certainly means that at least this species eats Sea pens as well as soft corals. I also agree with your suggestion that the little animal in your earlier message is this Dermatobranchus rather than a juvenile Armina.
These biology of these arminids certainly looks like an interesting field for someone to investigate.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Dermatobranchus? on Sea Pens from Port Stephens, N.S.W [3].
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Dermatobranchus? on Sea Pens from Port Stephens, N.S.W [2].
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