Unknown sea slug
March 19, 2010
From: Jupiter dale

Dear Sir
I had ordered an assorted color seaslug from my pet store, today i was called to get my slug. I upload 3 images of my green / black slug.
I don't know if it is toxic cause a have a reef aquarium with plenty fishes inside.
I would appreciate an ID, thanks very much.
Dale J., 2010 (Mar 19) Unknown sea slug. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/23360
Dear Jupiter,
This is a type of slug which I definitely wouldn't advise for an aquarium. In fact there is a message on the Forum from some years ago which is probably the same species as yours [#9376]. In that message I say:
"In my opinion this is a definite no-no in any aquaria. I can't tell from the photo just which species it is, perhaps Phyllidiella pustulosa, but it is a member of the Phyllidiidae. Species of this family exude a milky white secretion which is highly toxic, and recently collected - that is healthy - specimens can kill everything in an aquarium just from their secretions dissolving in the water. [see earlier message]. They are also sponge feeders. The good news is that your animal is probably starving and so is probably unable to produce the toxic secretions. Be that as it may, I think it is highly irresponsible of aquarium shops (aka LFS) to sell potentially toxic animals to unsuspecting customers."
I am afraid there is not a lot more to say. Apart from potentially poisoning other animals in your aquarium, it is a very specialised sponge-feeder, feeding on only a few species of sponge. We know very little about the biology of these slugs so I cant tell you which sponges they eat, and even if I could, it would be most unlikely that you could buy any from a pet shop.
Sorry for bad news,
Bill Rudman
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