Do nudibranchs have eyes?
May 10, 2000
From: Anonymous

Do nudibranchs have eyes?
PHOTO: Showing head of Umbraculum mediterraneum [Photo: M. Thorpe & K. Nagengast].
Anonymous, 2000 (May 10) Do nudibranchs have eyes?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear ?,
Yes, all sea slugs have eyes but they aren't very good at seeing things. We think that all the eyes can do is let the slug know whether it is light or dark, or when a shadow is passing over them. This might be useful if the shadow is made by a fish or something that is coming to eat them.
The eyes in sea slugs are embedded in the skin not on stalks like land snails. Have a look at the page on the Dorid head for a photo of a nudibranch eye. I have also added a couple of photos here showing the eyes in two other sea slugs.
PHOTO: Costasiella. Arrow pointing to eyes. Photo: Lindsay Warren].
It seems a shame with all their beautiful shapes and colours that they can't see each other.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
PS: Normally I delete anonymous messages, but I assume the lack of a name and address was a mistake.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (May 10). Comment on Do nudibranchs have eyes? by Anonymous. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
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