Syphonota from Sydney
June 1, 2000
From: Akos Lumnitzer

Dear Bill,
Is this Notarchus indicus? It is from Camp Cove, Sydney Harbour [New South Wales, Australia] night dive in July 1998, two meters of water amongst the seagrass beds.
Lumnitzer, A., 2000 (Jun 1) Syphonota from Sydney. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Akos,
This is Syphonota geographica, which is a rather distinctly shaped and coloured Sea Hare. It differs from species of Aplysia in having the rhinophores (head tentacles) set back almost between the parapodial flaps rather than in front of them. [see photo].
In older Australian books and scientific publications the name Paraplysia piperata was used for this species, but it is a synonym.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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