Thorunna cf. speciosus
June 12, 2000
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands has a species that appears to be the same as the Thorunna cf speciosus found by Atsushi Ono in Japan. Attached are several shots of what I believe to be all one species, even though the marginal coloration varies from white to yellow. A dozen specimens observed at Enewetak ranged in size from 6 to 16mm, the largest developing ruffled margins as shown in photo e058-7. The gills were vibratile. Dissections of the radula reveal typical Thorunna teeth with innermost laterals long and narrow (although wider at the base) and trifid at the tips, and remaining laterals narrower and bifid at the tips.
In one of the shots, [e058e363], the Thorunna (on the left) is shown next to a species of Noumea that happened to be living on pink sponge under the same rock.
Note: Previously on the Forum as Thorunna cf. speciosus this is now named Thorunna halourga.
Thanks Scott,
I notice that Marshall & Willan, 1999 record it as Thorunna sp. 1 from Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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