Doto sp? from British Columbia
June 18, 2000
From: Marli Wakeling
Dear Bill,
This specimen was seen on a dive in Howe Sound, British Columbia. It was found on a silty wall at 45 feet, with 5 or 6 other specimens. As it is so cryptic, it is difficult to determine what it is, and it doesn't look like anything in Dave Behrens' "Guide to Pacific Coast Nudibranchs". I was
wondering if it looked familiar to anyone?
Marli Wakeling.
Wakeling, M., 2000 (Jun 18) Doto sp? from British Columbia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marli,
It guess it is a species of Doto but I'm afraid the photo is not clear enough for me to attempt an identification.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.