Colpodaspis pusilla
June 19, 2000
From: Bill Rudman
I have added messages on two unnamed species of Colpodaspis today: Colpodaspis sp. 1 and Colpodaspis sp. 2 so it seemed appropriate to include a page on the type species Colpodaspis pusilla. With Colpodaspis thompsoni, which is already on the Forum, that means we pages on all the known species of Colpodaspis.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Jun 19) Colpodaspis pusilla. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Food of Colpodaspis at last?
From: Bernard Picton, November 1, 2007 -
Colpodaspis pusilla from Mediterranean
From: Eddie Hardy, May 15, 2003 -
Colpodaspis pusilla from the Mediterranean
From: Jean-Pierre Bielecki, January 9, 2002