Catriona columbiana not Cuthona punicea

June 29, 2000
From: Sandra Millen

Hi Bill,

I noticed Marli's photo captioned Cuthona punicea on the web. Unfortunately, the species in the photograph, as you suspected, is Catriona columbiana. The latter is quite common in British Columbia, is slender, and always has orange on the rhinophores, but may lack orange on the oral tentacles. The cerata are in simple transverse rows and have a smooth white line on them. The ceratal cores can be orange, reddish or brownish-orange. Cuthona punicea is a much stouter animal and has no orange on the rhinophores and branching rows of cerata. The cerata are dark purple and they have spots of white on the front which sometimes coalesce to form irregular lines. Cuthona punicea is rare and deepwater, eating an undescribed purple hydroid.

Sandra Millen

Millen, S., 2000 (Jun 29) Catriona columbiana not Cuthona punicea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Sandra,
As you are the author of Cuthona punicea, we can't have a much more 'expert' opinion.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.


Cuthona columbiana

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