Nembrotha sp? from South Africa
July 24, 2000
From: Valda Fraser

Dear Bill
Help! Who is this beauty? Many thanks.
Locality: Hluleka, Transkei, SOUTH AFRICA - 18m
Date: June 2000
Size: 60mm
Fraser, V., 2000 (Jul 24) Nembrotha sp? from South Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Valda,
It looks a bit like a gymnodorid but I am pretty sure it is a species of Nembrotha. However I do not know of one with this colour pattern.
It has similarities to Nembrotha guttata Yonow, 1993, which is black with mostly bright orange pustules. Some pustules are edged in green, and a very few are dark green. The foot has an orange edge and the rhinophores are black with orange dusting on anterior sides of lamellae. The gills are black with light green edging. I don't think your animal is Nembrotha guttata, but I thought you shuld be aware of it.
Reference: Yonow, N. (1993) Opisthobranchs from the Maldive Islands, including descriptions of seven new species (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Revue fr. Aquariol., 20: 97-130
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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