Siphopteron ladrones from Okinawa, Japan
August 6, 2000
From: Kazuko Matsuda

Dear Bill
Thank you for your reply to my comment about Mexichromis mariei.
This time I'd like to ask about Siphopteron sp. which was found at Sunabe in Okinawa, Japan. It was moving on white algae (Padina minor), swinging its body back and forth. It doesn't look smooth. Although some Siphopteron tigrinum (more than 10) were found in the area where the white algae grew in colonies, the animal in this photo is the only individual of this species that I could find.
Data: 23 July 2000, 5mm long, 16m depth
Could you identify this?
Kazuko Matsuda
Dear Kazuko,
This is an interesting find. It is Siphopteron ladrones (Carlson & Hoff, 1974) which was originally described from Guam. I don't now of any other records.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Aug 6). Comment on Siphopteron ladrones from Okinawa, Japan by Kazuko Matsuda. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from