Unknown dorid from Sydney Harbour
August 14, 2000
From: Akos Lumnitzer

Dear Bill,
I must tell you it is a special feeling to have a dive buddy who is as enthusiastic about critters as myself. Since my fiancee got prescribed contact lenses, she is able to spot some beauties for our records. They say two pairs of eyes are better than one and Donata proves it right every dive.
Here is an unidentified babe from our local sites.
It was a real beauty on the middle reef in Camp Cove, Sydney Harbour. April 2000. Night dive in six meters of water.
Please help again!!!!
Best wishes,
Akos Lumnitzer
Lumnitzer, A., 2000 (Aug 14) Unknown dorid from Sydney Harbour. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2873Dear Akos,
You don't mention how big your animal was but it grows to at least 90mm, and is indeed a handsome animal.
I have seen this animal before, but it is not common. I am not sure if it is a colour form of Discodoris lilacina. I ma pretty sure it is a species of Discodoris so at the risk of being boring I am calling it Discodoris sp. 2. I have posted some photos of two more specimens from Sydney Harbour, at the top of the page.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.