Flabellina telja? from Colombia
September 12, 2000
From: Phanor Montoya

Dear Bill,
I found this nudibranch walking on a rock in a reef zone from the Santa Marta Bay (Colombia - Caribbean coast); depth 30ft. The body was 12mm in long and 2mm wide. I looked on the internet and found a picture of Flabellina telja, and the animal on my pictured looks very similar to that one, so I guess is the same species; am I right?
I don`t have a better picture, but I do remember that the rhinophores had violet papilles at the posterior side of them. I draw a sketch of one rhinophore with its papilles, I know it`s not as good as a picture but I hope it`d help you to identify my nudibranch!
Phanor Montoya
Montoya, P., 2000 (Sep 12) Flabellina telja? from Colombia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2975Dear Phanor,
I'm not an expert on the fauna of that region but two things seem to be against your identification. Firstly F. telja is known from the west (East Pacific) coast, and it has lamellate rhinophores, not papillate ones as you have drawn.
There are three species of Flabellina I know of from the Caribbean:
•Flabellina engeli Marcus, 1968 [Curacao, Colombia, Florida (Marcus 1977)] •Coryphella dushia Marcus, 1963 [Curacao]
•Flabellina sp. 2 [in Forum]
F. dushia was described as being white, with no distinguishing colour features, and smooth rhinophores, but at 5mm long the 3 specimens may have been juveniles which had not developed adult characters.
F. engeli was described as having lamellate rhinophores, and a transparent pinkish white body with scarce brown pigment granules. Other features include: cerata light brown, each with darker brown ring. Opaque white spot between tentacles, one on each side behind them, streaks and spots between the ceratal bases dorsomedial stripe along tail approx 20mm.
Neither of these species nor Flabellina sp. 2 would seem to match your animals. It seems to be a species of Flabellina. Perhaps someone with a knowledge of the Caribbean fauna can help.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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