Feeding observations for Tritonia festiva
October 4, 2000
From: Jeff Goddard

Dear Bill,
Here are two photos to illustrate the information in my earlier message, and at the Top of the page, about T. festiva feeding on the soft coral Alcyonium rudyi.
UPPER PHOTO: Alcyonium rudyi Verseveldt & van Ofwegen, 1992 from Cape Arago. Colonies of this species divide by fission to produce large aggregations of relatively small and evenly spaced colonies. The largest colony pictured here is 14 mm long.
LOWER PHOTO: Alcyonium rudyi immediately following an attack by Tritonia festiva. The holes in the lower left colony mark the position of polyps severed from the colony and ingested by the nudibranch.
Jeff Goddard
Goddard, J., 2000 (Oct 4) Feeding observations for Tritonia festiva. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/3112Thanks Jeff,
Bill Rudman.
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