Cyerce nigricans from Heron Island
December 12, 2000
From: John Walker

Dear Bill
I was browsing your seaslug site and noticed the message from Julie Marshall (who is on Heron Island at present [Great Barrier Reef, Queensland]). I photographed a specimen there last week and thought you might like another picture. It was collected on the reef flat on the north side of the island (near the Blue Pools) on Wednesday October 25th. I have just returned from 2 weeks there, photographing all kinds of invertebrates for a CD-ROM I am making on invertebrate diversity.
Best wishes
Walker, J., 2000 (Dec 12) Cyerce nigricans from Heron Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from John,
I look forward to seeing the CD Rom when it is finished.
Bill Rudman.
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