Tylodina fungina from California
February 3, 2001
From: Bruce Wight

Hi Doc,
Here is another opisthobranch, Tylodina fungina, from the Southern California area. The UPPER photo is of it on its food, the yellow sulfur sponge, Aplysina fistularis. The LOWER LEFT photo is of an adult and the LOWER RIGHT is of a juvenile. This species is very common and the shots were all taken in 15-20 feet of
water at Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach.
Hope you enjoy these and they are of some benefit to your web site.
Take care,
Bruce Wight
Dear Bruce,
Thanks very much for these interesting photos of Tylodina. Thanks also for the other photos which I will post in a few days.
Can someone please help with the sponge name. Bruce identifies it as Aplysina fistularis and Dave Behrens has Verongia thiona. I assume this is the same sponge? Can someone please give me the currently accepted name.
Bill Rudman
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