Spurilla? from Brazil
December 10, 1998
From: Carlo Magenta

Dear Bill,
What's this? Depth 0,5 - 1 meter; on rock, with much seaweed. I did collect this
specimen 2 month ago.
yours truly,
Carlo Magenta
Sao Paulo
Magenta, C., 1998 (Dec 10) Spurilla? from Brazil. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/371Dear Carlo,
I am not an expert on the Atlantic fauna so perhaps one of our European or North American friends can help. It looks like a Spurilla or Berghia. Ernst Marcus (1955) describes some specimens from Sao Sebastiao Island, Sao Paulo State which he identifies as Spurilla neapolitana (Chiaje) var braziliana MacFarland, 1909. He describes the colour as "orange with a brown liver. On the back is a pattern of light spots"
Your photo could possibly be of this species which he later (Marcus & Marcus, 1977) considered simply to be a colour form of Spurilla neapolitana.
• Marcus, Er. (1955). Opisthobranchia from Brazil. Boletim de la Faculdade de Filosofia Ciencias e Letras du Universidade de Sao Paulo. Zoologia, 20: 89-262.
• Marcus, E. & Marcus, E. (1977) An annotated Checklist of the western Atlantic warm water opisthobranchs. Journal of Molluscan Studies, Supplement 4: 1-22.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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