2 Phyllidiella rosans feeding
April 27, 2001
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
Attached is a photo from the Maldives, Kandooma Fushi Island, divesite "Kandooma Out", length about 25mm, depth 14m, Sept. 17, 2000.
It shows two Phyllidiella rosans feeding on this sponge. I often found them on it.
Koehler, E., 2001 (Apr 27) 2 Phyllidiella rosans feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4223Dear Erwin,
Thanks for the observation. I can't find any record of what sponge this species feeds on, so your photo is of great interest. Unfortunately, I suspect getting the sponge identified from a photo will be difficult.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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