Dendrodoris grandiflora from Spain
May 14, 2001
From: Miquel Pontes

We found an specimen of Dendrodoris grandiflora in our last dive in the Costa Brava of Spain.
This slug was recorded in 5 meters of water, resting over a rock. After we shot many pictures we observed some kind of crustacean attaching to the posterior edge of its mantle [see lower photos]. It is probably a parasite but, can it be identified ?
We are also interested on the etymology of the species name "grandiflora". We think it's related to the nice gills of this nudibranch but it is uncertain.
Thank you,
Dear Miquel,
Thaks for the nice photos. Concerning the origin of its name, I think you are right about its gills. Many plants, especially those with large showy flowers, have the name 'grandiflora' and it is from the Latin words for 'large or prominent' and 'flower'. In the case of this Dendrodoris it almost certainly refers to the large flower-like' circle of gills.
Concerning the parasite. I have already sent your photo to an expert and will let you know what he thinks.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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