Tritoniopsis frydis from Colombia
June 1, 2001
From: Elianny Domínguez

Dear Bill,
I believe this might be Tritonia incerta. We found 12 of this animals here in the coast of the Tayrona National Park on soft coral in the area surrounding Punta Aguja island, which is close to the shore, Santa Marta, Colombia (Caribbean coast) at a depth of 30ft, laying eggs masses (circular forms of pale yellow and orange color) on a soft coral.
This one is bright orange but a few of them had a very pale brown color (we call it khaki or kaqui color).
Elianny Domínguez.
Domínguez, E., 2001 (Jun 1) Tritoniopsis frydis from Colombia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Elianny,
This is certainly a tritoniid but I think it is probably Tritoniopsis frydis which seems to be the Caribbean cousin of the Indo-West Pacific Tritoniopsis elegans. Both are quite variable in colour.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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