Re: Herviella albida & Herviella mietta
May 30, 2001
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
During the period I was at Enewetak, the type locality of Marcus & Burchs' Herviella mietta, I never found anything that exactly matched their description. I did find the animal in e113-1, which I have been calling H. mietta. The other photo, also from Enewetak, is probably the same species, but it looked just enough different that I've kept it under a different species number, E325. Differences could have been due to size, since the two E325 each measured about 25mm long while three E113 specimens ranged from 6 to 9 mm in length.
Johnson, S., 2001 (May 30) Re: Herviella albida & Herviella mietta. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Scott,
After getting your message I remembered that Eveline Marcus, many years ago, sent me a box of copy slides of Jack Burch's material on which the Marcus & Burch Enewetak paper was based. Most of the photos were not good enought to identify the species, but as luck would have it, the one of Herviella mietta is good enough to distinguish its basic features. I have prepared a separate Herviella mietta page and included this photo. Perhaps the photo will trigger someone's memory. It certainly seems different from your animal and the one identified by Marshall & Willan as H. mietta.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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