Roboastra arika from Durban, South Africa
June 13, 2001
From: Kirsty Miller
Dear Bill
I found this nudibranch on a wreck off Durban, South Africa, at a depth of 16 m. Its size is 4.5 cm. I think it could be of the family Polyceridae. Could you please help me with an ID
Kirsty Miller
Miller, K., 2001 (Jun 13) Roboastra arika from Durban, South Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kirsty,
This is Roboastra arika which has been reported from the Maldives, Thailand and the south western pacific (trop Australia and Papua New Guinea) so this is an interesting find.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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