Dermatobranchus albus from SE Sulawesi [1]
June 10, 2001
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
The first specimen of Dermatobranchus albus we found in SE Sulawesi was found by Jean Coop on 11 November 1999 at a depth of 14.2m on filamentous algae at the base of foliose coral. The location is a very calm 'bowl' surrounded by reef flat with its centre reaching a depth of 57 ft. The sides slope up gently and the whole place is full of delicate foliose corals. It is located on Pulau Hoga [Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia - Operation Wallacea]. Size: 15 mm - OWN206a (upper photo).
It has deep grooves (bright yellow) running along the length of the mantle with white ridges. The oral veil and foot are both white and edged with bright yellow. The bulbous rhinophores with vertical lamellae are black with two distinct lighter horizontal bands.
I found a second specimen (OWN206b) on the same dive at a depth of 12.5 m heading up on a piece of filamentous algae in an area of branching coral - it was wafting in the current. Size: 12 mm. This one had the same basic colouration but had some darker patches on the notum (lower right). Photos: Lindsay Warren.
They look very similar to Bob Bolland's Dermatobranchus sp. 1 from Okinawa.
All the best
Thanks Lindsay,
Bill Rudman
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