Hypselodoris bullocki or Noumea sp.?
July 3, 2001
From: Yasuhiro Shirai

Dear Bill,
Thanks for all your answers to my messages. Today, I have attached an image file which
I think is Hypselodoris bullocki or a species of Noumea [Noumea purpurea Colour group].
When I found this animal, it crawled on sponges./Could you please identify it for me?
Location:Kushimoto Pref. Wakayama Japan(Kii Peninsula) Length: about 10mm
Water temperature: 21C
Date Jun. 2001
Depth: 16m
PS.My opisthobranchs website has moved from:
http://www.e-net.or.jp/user/yasuhiro/diving/aquarium/umiusi/ to http://www.sea-slug.com/
Best regards,
Yasuhiro Shirai
Yasuhiro Shirai, 2001 (Jul 3) Hypselodoris bullocki or Noumea sp.?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4631Note: Previously on the Forum as Thorunna cf. speciosus this is now named Thorunna halourga.
Dear Yasuhiro
This is the animal I am calling Thorunna cf speciosus. Another one of the Noumea purpurea colour group.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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