Flabellina salmonacea from New England
June 20, 2001
From: Paul Young

There are several species of Flabellina species found in New England, USA [Atlantic coast]. We think there are at least three or four, and they are probably our most common nudibranches.
The ones which are red or chocolate brown are locally called red-gills [see separate message] and the pale orange ones are usually called salmon-gills. We think they are Flabellina salmonacea.
Both red-gills and salmon-gills get to be 3-4 cm long.
Paul Young
Young, P., 2001 (Jun 20) Flabellina salmonacea from New England. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4634Thanks Paul,
I have checked you identification with Terry Gosliner and he confirms it is F. salmonacea. I have included an enlargement of part of the photo to show the characteristic white tipped rhinophores and oral tentacles, and the white ring just below the tip of each ceras.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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