A Phyllidiopsis? mimic from Red Sea
January 14, 1999
From: Michael Shroedl

Dear Dr. Rudman,
With great interest I am following your discussion on phyllidiid mimicry. Also in Egypt, I found a chromodorid which closely resembles P. pustulosa and others. It may or may not be the specimen illustrated by Debelius (1997:210) as Chromodoris geometrica from the Philippines, but I strongly doubt the latter identification.
Many thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Shroedl, M., 1999 (Jan 14) A Phyllidiopsis? mimic from Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/466Note added 5 March 2007: This is a species of Paradoris. It was previously on the Forum as Doris? sp. 3.
Dear Michael,
Another spectacular animal! I have been conservative in calling it Doris?. When you say it is a chromodorid do you mean you have looked at its anatomy? If so I'll put it in the appropriate genera when you let me know.
You are correct in doubting that it is Chromodoris geometrica. The granular appearance of its mantle looks quite unlike a tropical chromodorid.
Thanks for sharing it with us. I wonder how many more phyllidiid mimics we will end up with.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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