Cyerce nigra? from Mozambique
July 8, 2001
From: Ian Miller

Dear Bill,
While studying a slide of what I think is Glossodoris pallida, I found what I think is a very small specimen of Cyerce nigra, size 5 mm in the top right hand corner of the slide. I know it is not too clear, but is my ID correct? If so, what is the maximum size of this animal and what does it normally feed on?
Ian Miller
Miller, I., 2001 (Jul 8) Cyerce nigra? from Mozambique. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Ian,
With a bit of digital magic I have enlarged and brightened up the top right corner of your photo. It certainly looks like a Cyerce but from the colour I can see in the cerata I think your animal is Cyerce nigricans rather than Cyerce nigra. Your animal has a white margin then a back then an orange-yellow band, while in C. nigra the edge is black followed by an orange-yellow band. Have a look at Bernard Picton's photos from East Africa. As to size, they grow to 30-40mm long. In the West Pacific they feed on the green algae Chlorodesmis fastigiata, unfortunately I haven't a photo to illustrate it for you. And yes the white chromodorid is Glossodoris pallida.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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