Re: Thorunna? cf. speciosus
July 7, 2001
From: Rebecca Johnson

Hi Bill,
This beautiful little guy is a new species of Thorunna. Alas, the name will have to remain as sp. (I would hate for someone to consider my little note a description.) until publication It is described in Terry and my forthcoming paper in the proceedings from the Opisthobranch meeting in Menfi. So, look for all the details about it (hopefully soon!!) in the Bolletino Malacologico. I will send some details about my talk at the WSM meeting soon.
Johnson, R., 2001 (Jul 7) Re: Thorunna? cf. speciosus. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Previously on the Forum as Thorunna cf. speciosus this is now named Thorunna halourga.
Thanks Rebecca,
It's nice to confirm its genus. I remember your interesting talk at Menfi but must confess to not remembering your photo of this species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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