Facelina coronata or F. bostoniensis ?
July 18, 2001
From: Miquel Pontes

Hello Bill,
The other day [July 2001] we dived in 10 meters of water on a silt bottom in Badalona, near Barcelona (Spain), and found a lot of interesting life forms, quite different to the rocky bottom life forms we are used to. A nudibranch was hidden below a dead molusc shell and intrigued us specially...
It is clearly a Facelina but the species is not clear to us, as it seems to have characteristics of both F. coronata and F. bostoniensis.
F. coronata is more common in the Mediterranean and has blue iridiscent marks in cerata and oral tentacles, while F. bostoniensis is not as common and does not have the blue marks, showing a white line on the head instead.
The attached pictures show confuse marks for this nudibranch: the specimen has blue marks as F. coronata and a white line on the head as F. bostoniensis. Long cerata seem those of F. bostoniensis but F. coronata may have long cerata as well. Erwin Koehler's page about F. coronata [http://www.medslugs.de/E/Mediterranean/Facelina_coronata.htm] shows interesting pictures that induced us further doubts on the identification of this species. I would like to thank Luís Sánchez Tocino (Universidad de Granada) for his comments on this subject and thank you for your help.
Miquel Pontes
Pontes, M., 2001 (Jul 18) Facelina coronata or F. bostoniensis ?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4801Dear Miquel,
I think I will leave this to someone with local knowledge of these animals. As you say, it certainly has a mix of characters.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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