Flabellina nobilis from Ireland

July 21, 2001
From: Bernard Picton

Dear Bill,
Here is an interesting record of Flabellina nobilis to add to the information accumuating in the Forum on Flabellina in the North Atlantic.

The previous southern limit was Norway and the Faeroe Islands. Here are photos of an
unpublished Irish record - a single juvenile specimen but I'm fairly positive about the identification. It is from Mulroy Bay, Co Donegal, Ireland. March 1980.



Picton, B., 2001 (Jul 21) Flabellina nobilis from Ireland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4843

Thanks Bernard,
Bill Rudman


Flabellina nobilis

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